Automatic Writing Sample – After life novel


Automatic Writing Sample GIF

There are some twenty-two separate areas of evidence and research which have occurred, particularly over the last twenty years which indicate that life and consciousness transcend bodily death. Such evidence has probably always existed but only now with recent advances in medical science and technology has much of it been able to be studied empirically. A list of some of these lines of evidence would include the Near Death Experience (NDE), Out of Body Experience (OBE), After Death Communication (ADC), Mediumship, Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP), The Scole Experiments, The Cross Correspondences, Death Bed Visions, Remote Viewing, Reincarnation, Automatic Writing and others.

Not everyone has direct experience of these phenomena but there are thousands of documented cases of people who have experienced one or more of them.

My own experience of what is sometimes described as ‘the paranormal’ has been largely due to my ability to keep an open yet critical mind and my extensive research into the experiences of others. I myself cannot claim to have personally had a near death experience or a definite after death contact but there is one phenomenon that I can attest to personally having witnessed it many times over several years on a regular basis.

My mother, when she was alive, had the ability to do ‘automatic writing’. She would sit down with a paper and pencil in hand and begin to write furiously and continuously until she was forced to stop through exhaustion. She produced dozens of such pages and afterwards I would type them up for her on my, at that stage rather primitive, word processor. I still have the typed pages and many of the hand written originals.

I stress here that these were definitely not my mother’s words. She did occasionally like to write poetry but these poems were few and far between and were a reflection of the way she saw beauty in the natural world. The language and the wording were simple and typical of someone who only had a limited education to early high school level.

On the other hand the automatic writings were always highly esoteric with an old world style and contained deep seated truths many of which neither my mother nor myself were able to fully comprehend.

Here is a small sample of one of them. There are plenty more on my website.

After Life Novel

Life After Life Novel

Time Travel Novel

Gary J McCleary.

The World of Everlasting Life – Is Their Life After Death For Real?


Banner   A scientific team of expert doctors based in the UK has studied over 2000 cardiac arrest patients who were subsequently revived, across 15 hospitals and have found that in forty percent of the cases the patients could remember a ‘near death experience’ from a time when the heart had stopped beating and the brain had therefore ceased to function. They recounted actual events which had happened in the operating room and one man said that he had heard two separate beeps from a machine that goes off at three minute intervals which accurately measured the time of the experience.

   It’s pretty clear from these and other studies that consciousness doesn’t need the brain to be able to function. The brain and indeed the whole body would appear to be just the mechanism by which consciousness interacts with the material world.

   So if consciousness is external to the body and is eternal we need to start thinking about what it means to have everlasting life. None of the world’s religions have anything beyond superficial statements to say about this.

   To my mind there has to be purpose and direction to everything that we do which means that I can’t see us all sitting around in one spot playing harps for all of eternity. This present life is one big learning experience and that is how I see life after death. We may be reborn into other physical worlds across of the universe including having other lives on Earth. We may also exist in any number of spiritual levels which seem as solid as our world now seems to us.

   I have written eight novels on this subject which explores many questions relating to what would motivate and interest people who never die. God is infinite and we are little pieces of that infinity who will eventually make our way back home.

Devotees Of Science Fiction Ponder For A Moment Your Most Adored Sci – Fi Projects !


Time travel is apparently the most spellbinding point in all of science fiction. In case you are a devotee of science fiction ponder for a moment your most adored movies, books and scenes of TV projects.


Which were the best scenes of Star Trek case in point in every single bit of its incarnations? Which scene would you consider to be the absolute best out of each and every one of plan? Consider your most adored movies and pick which is best out of straight adventure and examination, fighting off animals or the mind bending stories including time travel.

There are two headings of possible travel, particularly into the future or into the past. The truth is that go into what’s to come is not an issue and can be satisfied in different courses some of which are reasonable and others which are speculatively possible given future advances in designing.

We have – Time development as proposed by Einstein as velocity systems the pace of light. This has been affirmed even here on Earth by weighs going in quick flight or in round besides by viewing tremendous bars.

Suspended vivacity by setting or even hibernation which the bears routinely do.

The ordinary developing method which takes our mindfulness into the future at the unflinching rate of one second for consistently.

Quickly figure in things like dull openings, wormholes, broken down space, string speculation along these lines on and we have various possible conclusions to consider.

Shortly time travel into the past takes a gander from the beginning to be extraordinary as an issue of the various riddles that it deduces. However the laws of Physics are symmetrical and there is truly nothing in the laws that refuses backward go in time.

It is the exploring of the Catch 22s that restores the whole thought of time travel. The best known one is clearly any mixed bag on the affirmed ‘granddad riddle’. This is the spot the time traveler backtracks in time and murders his own particular specific granddad before he gets around to fathering his father which suggests that the time traveler was never considered which intimates that he never retreated in time which infers that he never killed his granddad which implies…  well you get the picture.

In Time Travel Novels by Gary J Mccleary, he has researched various mixtures on this Catch 22 and others. One elucidation is that there are a wearisome number of universes so every likelihood is considered. An interchange is the theory that an event transforms into it cause so that whatever the time traveler does in the past it was proposed to happen regardless to set his vicinity in development.

Consider any time travel story that you have ever seen or examined and you will comprehend that they all incorporate a goliath round which appears to close on itself. The trap is in endeavoring to pick where the break is in the loop.

Stay Tuned If this interests you !! For More “Click Here”

Why AFTER LIFE NOVELS are always so interesting – Gary himslef discloses !!!



“Garry” Himself Talks on How he started Writing Fiction Novels!!!

Most of us come into this life with no memory of any previous lives but the reality is that we all have them. We are in fact powerful eternal beings who will live many material lives on many different worlds with a view to raising our spirituality by learning to care for other people and animals.

My After Life Novels are all written to demonstrate this premise and along the way the reader gets to meet some pretty interesting fictional characters who get themselves into some very unusual situations.

The reader also gets to compare and contrast many varied modes of living and to understand the depths of love and self sacrifice which are possible.

Many questions are asked and answered such as…

1. What would a purely spiritual existence be like?

2. What would motivate people to improve their level of spirituality?

3. What would our earthly lives look like seen through the eyes of these enlightened Beings?

4. What part do the animals play particularly those that are close to us as pets?

5. What would it be like to live in a near perfect material world where there is no sickness, death or aging and where the people have every possible device for comfort, learning and entertainment?

My After Life Novels also explore the very real difference that exists between religion and spirituality. It’s possible to be religious and spiritual but it is not necessary to be religious in order to be spiritual. Also being religious doesn’t necessarily imply that a person is spiritual. My books encourage people to seek their own truths through evidence and not to accept something just because others choose to believe it or because ‘it is written’.

As I see it the central premise of religion is very spiritual. Put simply it is ‘love The Creator and love each other’.

Isn’t he just more than amazing. Just think how interesting his novels can be!!! Catch his awesome works here :