Automatic Writing Sample – After life novel


Automatic Writing Sample GIF

There are some twenty-two separate areas of evidence and research which have occurred, particularly over the last twenty years which indicate that life and consciousness transcend bodily death. Such evidence has probably always existed but only now with recent advances in medical science and technology has much of it been able to be studied empirically. A list of some of these lines of evidence would include the Near Death Experience (NDE), Out of Body Experience (OBE), After Death Communication (ADC), Mediumship, Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP), The Scole Experiments, The Cross Correspondences, Death Bed Visions, Remote Viewing, Reincarnation, Automatic Writing and others.

Not everyone has direct experience of these phenomena but there are thousands of documented cases of people who have experienced one or more of them.

My own experience of what is sometimes described as ‘the paranormal’ has been largely due to my ability to keep an open yet critical mind and my extensive research into the experiences of others. I myself cannot claim to have personally had a near death experience or a definite after death contact but there is one phenomenon that I can attest to personally having witnessed it many times over several years on a regular basis.

My mother, when she was alive, had the ability to do ‘automatic writing’. She would sit down with a paper and pencil in hand and begin to write furiously and continuously until she was forced to stop through exhaustion. She produced dozens of such pages and afterwards I would type them up for her on my, at that stage rather primitive, word processor. I still have the typed pages and many of the hand written originals.

I stress here that these were definitely not my mother’s words. She did occasionally like to write poetry but these poems were few and far between and were a reflection of the way she saw beauty in the natural world. The language and the wording were simple and typical of someone who only had a limited education to early high school level.

On the other hand the automatic writings were always highly esoteric with an old world style and contained deep seated truths many of which neither my mother nor myself were able to fully comprehend.

Here is a small sample of one of them. There are plenty more on my website.

After Life Novel

Life After Life Novel

Time Travel Novel

Gary J McCleary.

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