Accepting life after death, living full now.


   There are now many ongoing studies related to the ‘near death experience’ and these studies clearly establish that consciousness survives the death of the material body. Thousands of people from all walks of life and around the world have been resuscitated from conditions of no heart beat and no brain activity. At least a third of these people tell of very real experiences while they were clinically dead.

   There are differences in what these people relate but there are certain core experiences which most of the people have. There is…

  • the feeling of being surrounded by intense love and a bright light

  • the feeling that the world they are in is far more real than their earthly life

  • the presence of other beings around them which can sometimes be family members or religious figures

  • the life review where their entire life passes before them instantly and in detail even down to how other people reacted to things that the person said or did in life

  • awareness of a barrier, which can be as simple as just a low fence, the crossing of which is irreversible

  • The inevitable choice where the person reluctantly elects to return to earthly life.

On the basis of this evidence some people may ask why a person would choose to return to their material bodies which because they are near death, are usually in great pain. A related question would be ‘if the afterlife is so wonderful why not end our earthly life right now?’

   Most people who choose to come back are motivated by the need to look after a loved one such as a small child. Others come back on a mission to tell the world about the afterlife or to complete unfinished business.

   The point is that everyone who comes back to life having experienced a near death experience sees it as a life changing event. These people have a new zest for life and they no longer fear death. They see this life as a learning experience to be lived to the fullest. The accumulation of material wealth is no longer important to them and they realize that what is important is the love that we give to others.

   This understanding of what life is really all about is what makes the near death experience real in a way that a dream or drug induced hallucination is not.

   We all come into life with predefined goals that we need to fulfill. We all learn skills throughout life but we come into life with certain predefined skills that just need to be sharpened. Anyone for example can learn to play simple tunes on a piano but some people, which we label as ‘child prodigies’, become grand masters at their preordained skill even before they are adults. We don’t even have to look to the level of child prodigies because everyone is born with abilities which make them naturally good at certain things and weak at other things.

   We need to make the most of this life in order to raise our spirituality for a better place in the life to come.

Gary J McCleary.

A Time for Susan. (Book Review) – REDDIT!!!


a time for susan

The idea is that David, an ordinary guy, suddenly gets a message from his as yet unborn daughter from the future, Destroy the time machine that you are building or you will be killed. This he does but unfortunately now his daughter has no existence in the new time stream!

David realizes the mistake that he has made and now sets about trying to restore his daughter’s timeline at any cost. In the process he has to defeat those who are trying to rewrite history so that Nazi Germany can win the Second World War!

This book has everything from sadness and self sacrifice through to humor and sexuality and it pushes the envelope on all the traditional time travel paradoxes.

A great read and thoroughly recommended.